Created by
Michael Hudson-Doyle
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~mwhudson/lava-dispatcher/trunk
Michael Hudson-Doyle
can upload to this branch. If you are
Michael Hudson-Doyle
please log in for upload directions.
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 374. By Andy Doan
add a URL mapping feature
This allows the dispatcher's downloading code to be able to override
a URL given to it with another. For example, you might get a job
that wants to download a file:
http://blah/root. img This could be overriden to be file:///root.img
You can specify one or more mappings in:
/etc/lava- dispatcher/ urlmappings. txt An example:
\/\/.*\ /precise\ /restricted, scp://<email address hidden> /precise/ restricted/
^https:\/\/.*\ /~linaro- android- restricted\ /, scp://<email address hidden> /android/ ~linaro- android- restricted/ these take URLs that are protected by OpenID (not supported in the downloader)
and replaces them with an SCP based URL
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)