
Created by Tom Haddon and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~mthaddon/mojo/vault-no-filebeat-bionic
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Branch information

Tom Haddon
Mojo: Continuous Delivery for Juju

Recent revisions

87. By Tom Haddon

Pin to PG 9.6 as Vault doesn't seem to support PG 10

86. By Tom Haddon

We also need regular collect run before collect-initial

85. By Tom Haddon

Add an initial manifest for vault

84. By Tom Haddon

Remove filebeat which doesn't support bionic yet

83. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] add deploy-secrets to vault charm-testing

82. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] update vault charm testing

81. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] add initial version of charm-testing for vault

80. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] charm-testing: clean build dir in case we've previously deployed a charm of a different type

79. By David Lawson

[mthaddon] charm-testing/haproxy: Add apache2 behind haproxy for more complete testing

78. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] charm-testing/haproxy: enable monitoring so nagios checks will pass

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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