
Created by Tom Haddon and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~mthaddon/mojo/charm-testing-influxdb
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Tom Haddon
Mojo: Continuous Delivery for Juju

Recent revisions

62. By Tom Haddon

InfluxDB doesn't (yet) support the nrpe-external-master relation

61. By Tom Haddon

Use correct charm name

60. By Tom Haddon

Add basic spec for influxdb

59. By Haw Loeung

[mthaddon] Add a 1 minute sleep in charm-testing's redeploy-model script to work around lp#1709324

58. By Tom Haddon

[hloeung,r=mthaddon] Update Elasticsearch charm testing spec to include scaling out and cycling out existing units

57. By Barry Price

[mthaddon,r=barryprice] charm-testing/apache2: Only run the swap nagios check with -n OK on xenial, as that option isn't supported in trusty

56. By Jamon Camisso

[mthaddon,r=jamon] Add a charm testing spec for Apache2 matching what we have for other promulgated charms

55. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] switch all charm testing specs to use redeploy-model over remove-application

54. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] Update elasticsearch charm testing to redeploy the model entirely

53. By Tom Haddon

[mthaddon,trivial] retry nagios checks for all charms after upgrade up to three times

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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