
Created by Mark Sapiro and last modified

This branch migrates the virtual hosting patches from Hans Ulrich Niedermann described at <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-developers/2006-March/018629.html> to the Mailman 2.1.13 base and fixes a few problems.

Please don't ask me to fix all the problems with this branch. I don't guarantee that anything will work. I ported the patches and fixed a few reported problems as a service to those who wish to use it. I don't use it and am not enthusiastic about maintaining it. If you use this branch and encounter problems and report those problems to mailman-users@python.org, I may fix them, but only if they are easy to fix.

Note! As of Feb 29, 2016 This branch has been merged with the 2.1 branch at rev 2.1.21+. It is my intent to keep it up to date by merging the 2.1 branch at least with every release.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~msapiro/mailman/vhost
Only Mark Sapiro can upload to this branch. If you are Mark Sapiro please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Mark Sapiro
GNU Mailman

Recent revisions

1087. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1086. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1085. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1084. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1083. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1082. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1081. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1080. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1079. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

1078. By Mark Sapiro

Merged from 2.1 branch.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.