
Created by Chris Coulson and last modified
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Mozilla Team
Mozilla Thunderbird

Recent revisions

371. By Chris Coulson

releasing package thunderbird version 1:24.2.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

370. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream stable release (THUNDERBIRD_24_1_1_BUILD1)
  - see LP: #1253027 for USN information

369. By Chris Coulson

releasing package thunderbird version 1:24.1.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

368. By Chris Coulson

releasing package thunderbird version 1:24.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

367. By Chris Coulson

releasing package thunderbird version 24.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

366. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream stable release (THUNDERBIRD_24_0_BUILD1)
  - see LP: #1224912 for USN information
* Switch to comm-esr24
* Fix LP: #1064423 - "Submitting your report..." shows missing-icon icon.
  Install the throbber icon in the package
  - update debian/thunderbird.install.in
* Disable the menubar addon
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
  - update debian/thunderbird-globalmenu.dirs.in
* Drop the menubar addon
  - remove debian/globalmenu
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
  - update debian/control.in
  - remove debian/thunderbird-globalmenu.dirs.in
  - remove debian/patches/unity-globalmenu-build-support.patch
  - update debian/patches/series.in
* Add native support for the Unity menubar (no addon)
  - add debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch
  - update debian/patches/series.in
* Drop support for building on older than precise
  - update debian/apport/source_thunderbird.py.in
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
  - update debian/control.in
  - remove debian/patches/add-syspref-dir.patch
  - update debian/patches/series.in
  - remove debian/patches/use-new-yasm-in-lucid.patch
  - update debian/rules
  - update debian/thunderbird-globalmenu.dirs.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.desktop.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.dirs.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.install.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.links.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.postinst.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.postrm.in
  - update debian/thunderbird.preinst.in
* Drop the perl script for preprocessing the quilt series file
  - remove debian/build/enable-dist-patches.pl
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
  - update debian/patches/series.in
* Make sure that SHELL is set in the build environment
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Use virtualenv for compare-locales
  - update debian/build/create-tarball.py
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Add support for running xpcshell tests as autopkgtests
  - add debian/build/fix-mozinfo-appname.py
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
  - update debian/build/testsuite.mk
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in to always build with --enable-tests
  - update debian/control.in to add testsuite package
  - update debian/rules
  - add debian/testing/filter_results
  - add debian/testing/results-filter-manifest.json
  - add debian/testing/run_xpcshell_tests
  - add debian/testing/testrunhelper.py
  - add debian/testing/xpcshell-build.ini
  - add debian/tests/control.in
  - add debian/tests/post-process
  - add debian/tests/xpcshell-tests
  - add debian/thunderbird-testsuite.install.in
  - add debian/thunderbird-testsuite.links.in
  - add debian/thunderbird-testsuite.lintian-overrides.in
  - add d/p/test-fixes/mozmill-workaround-shebang-char-limit.patch due to
    the virtenv path exceeding the shebang character limit
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-chrome-fix-test_bug848297-with-locale-matchOS.patch
    to disable intl.locale.matchOS, which breaks the test
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-contentprefs-no-writes-to-appdir.patch
    to fix tests that write to the application directory
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-docshell-no-writes-to-appdir.patch to fix
    tests that write to the application directory
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-exthandler-no-writes-to-appdir.patch to
    fix tests that write to the application directory
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-search-fix-tests-when-plugins-are-not-in-appdir.patch
    to fix tests that assume searchplugins are installed in the application
  - add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-xunit-output-no-bell.patch so that the
    xpcshell harness does not output the terminal bell character, which
    breaks Jenkins
  - add d/p/test-integration/automation-output-junit-xml.patch
  - add d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-disable-addon-select-dialog-test-for-adt.patch
    to fix some addon tests when the selection UI is disabled
  - add d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-disable-tests-which-need-appdir-write-access.patch
    to disable some tests that need to write to the application directory
  - add d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-dont-return-nonzero-on-test-failure.patch
    so that the xpcshell harness does not return with non-zero when some tests
    fail. We detect failures in the JUnit XML results
  - add d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-output-valid-junit-xml.patch so that
    the JUnit output matches the schema
  - add d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-write-time-for-failed-test.patch so that
    the xpcshell harness writes the time even when the test fails
  - update debian/patches/series
* Drop libthai suggest - this hasn't been needed for a long time
  - update debian/control
* Replace latex-xft-fonts suggest with ttf-lyx (yes, I know this is a
  transitional package since 12.10, but it avoids suggesting a different
  package for each release)
  - update debian/control
* Fix LP: #1093665 - 'Next' button icon points upwards. Thanks to
  Richard Marti for the patch
  - update debian/patches/theme-refresh-messenger-toolbar-icons.patch
* Get rid of the autogenerated debian/patches/series, as we don't use
  it now
  - rename debian/patches/series.in => debian/patches/series
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
  - update debian/source/options
* Build Lightning packages from Thunderbird uploads
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
  - update debian/control.in
  - refresh debian/control
  - update debian/rules
* Enforce a strict dependency between Lightning and Thunderbird, make
  sure that Lightning recommends the 2 support addons and that these
  have a strict dependency on Lightning (LP: #1082089)
  - update debian/control{,.in}
* We don't need to install the calendar-timezones addon
  - update debian/rules
  - update debian/control.in
* Make thunderbird-globalmenu a transitional package
  - update debian/control.in
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Always build the crash reporter and Breakpad symbols on supported
  architectures, even if it is disabled at run time. Will hopefully avoid
  surprises by the time we reach beta (where the crash reporter is enabled)
  - update debian/rules
  - update debian/build/mozvars.mk
  - update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Rename mozbuild.mk => rules.mk and mozvars.mk => config.mk
* Don't blacklist Thunderbird in Apport on unofficial builds
  - update debian/apport/blacklist.in
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
* Remove the executable bit from the testsuite zip file and searchplugins
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
* Silence an embedded-library warning and some image-file-in-usr-lib warnings
  - update debian/thunderbird.lintian-overrides.in
* Update EDS extension to 0.6
* Make the debian/control autogeneration a bit cleaner
  - update debian/build/config.mk
  - update debian/build/dump-langpack-control-entries.pl
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
  - update debian/control.in
* Don't set stuff that is set by dpkg-buildpackage
  - update debian/build/config.mk
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
* Partially revert part 9 of bmo: #782211 (Implement notification API spec),
  to reintroduce native notifications
  - add debian/patches/revert-removal-of-native-notifications.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
* Refresh patches
  - update debian/patches/dont-include-hyphenation-patterns.patch
  - update debian/patches/no_neon_on_arm.patch
  - update debian/patches/theme-refresh-addressbook-toolbar-icons.patch
  - update debian/patches/theme-refresh-compose-toolbar-icons.patch
  - update debian/patches/theme-refresh-messenger-toolbar-icons.patch
* Drop patches
  - remove debian/patches/fix-for-bmo795395.patch (fixed upstream)
  - remove debian/patches/fix-makefile-substitution-bug.patch (doesn't seem
    to be needed anymore)
  - update debian/patches/series

365. By Chris Coulson

releasing version 17.0.8+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

364. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream stable release (THUNDERBIRD_17_0_8_BUILD1)
  - see LP: #1208041 for USN information

363. By Chris Coulson

releasing version 17.0.7+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1

362. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream stable release (THUNDERBIRD_17_0_7_BUILD1)
  - see LP: #1193919 for USN information
* Drop patches fixed upstream
  - remove debian/patches/python-virtualenv-multiarch-fix.patch
  - update debian/patches/series

Branch metadata

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Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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