
Created by Chris Coulson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.artful
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Branch information

Mozilla Team
Mozilla Firefox

Recent revisions

1233. By Chris Coulson

releasing package firefox version 60.0.1+build2-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

1232. By Chris Coulson

releasing package firefox version 60.0+build2-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

1231. By Chris Coulson

* Update search customizations to pick up some extra locales
  - update debian/patches/disable-geo-specific-search-defaults-for-us.patch
  - update debian/patches/ubuntu-search-defaults.patch

1230. By Chris Coulson

* Fix the webrtc build on armhf and arm64 by providing build configs rather
  than just disabling it
  - add debian/patches/extra-webrtc-build-configs.patch
  - add debian/patches/update-gn-mozbuild.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
* Fix multiple definitions of WebRtc_GetCPUFeaturesARM by excluding
  cpu_features_linux.cc, as was the case previously
  - add debian/patches/fix-armhf-webrtc-build.patch
  - update debian/patches/update-gn-mozbuild.patch
  - update debian/patches/series

1229. By Chris Coulson

Update and re-enable unity-menubar.patch

1228. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream stable release (60.0build2)
* Bump build-dep on rustc >= 1.24.0 and cargo >= 0.25
* Don't exclude ".gitmodule" files
  - update debian/build/create-tarball.py
* Update patches
  - debian/patches/disable-geo-specific-search-defaults-for-us.patch
  - debian/patches/webrtc-fix-compiler-flags-for-armhf.patch
  - debian/patches/skia-fix-aarch64-build-on-older-linux.patch
* Add Occitan language pack
  - update debian/config/locales.shipped
  - update debian/control
* Add icon symlinks of application icon to usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/
  - debian/firefox.dirs.in
  - debian/firefox.links.in
* Drop upstreamed/obsolete patches
  - debian/patches/skia-fix-aarch64-build-on-older-linux.patch
* Revert "Use https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/*/*/SOURCE
  to determine the revision for release builds"
  - update debian/build/create-tarball.py
* ICU's icudt60*.dat was embed directly into the library
  - debian/firefox.install.in
* Disable webrtc/av1 on non-x86 archs
  - debian/config/mozconfig.in
* Don't pass --disable-elf-hack on s390x
  - debian/config/mozconfig.in
* Fix skia build on arm64 and s390x
  - debian/patches/arm64-skia.patch
  - debian/patches/s390x-ycbcr.patch
  - debian/patches/skia-big-endian.patch

1227. By Chris Coulson

releasing package firefox version 59.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

1226. By Chris Coulson

releasing package firefox version 59.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

1225. By Chris Coulson

releasing package firefox version 59.0+build5-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

1224. By Chris Coulson

Update and reenable unity-menubar.patch

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
