
Created by Matt Oquist and last modified
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MNet-WSGI Maintainers

Recent revisions

46. By Matt Oquist

increase the cert lifetime, since rotation does not always go well

45. By Matt Oquist

update server-wrapper.py and server.py to use server.py as a library and avoid starting up extra processes

44. By Matt Oquist

increase the scrutability of server.py

43. By Matt Oquist

fix bug in client.py that append each new row to the previous rows in the output

42. By Matt Oquist

improve exception messages, add printcert feature to ShelveApp.py

41. By Matt Oquist <moquist@kant>

fix typo bug in postgres connection function

40. By Matt Oquist <moquist@kant>

make the windows wrapper a lot more useful -- turns out to be useful in general to keep mnet running as reliably as possible, in combination with a scheduled task to run it every 5 minutes or so

39. By Matt Oquist <moquist@kant>

asctime is happier for python26 on windows

38. By Matt Oquist <moquist@kant>

add logging to server.py

37. By Matt Oquist <moquist@kant>

be more tolerant of various remote server paths that might be used to call sql_execute

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
