
Created by Cody Garver and last modified
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Branch information

Minecraft Installer Peeps
Installer for Minecraft

Recent revisions

12. By Sam Hewitt

SVG icons

11. By Cody Garver

mv preinst to postinst so it runs after upgrades too

10. By Raphael Isemann

* The startup command is now just "java -jar minecraft.jar" as this is the default command to start a jar and the actual JVM settings are now handled by the launcher

* Icons are no longer executable, fixes lintian warnings

* Rename Textures to Resources

9. By Cody Garver

Lower debian compat to support lucid

8. By Cassidy James Blaede

Updated to Minecraft 1.6 since Mojang was silly.

6. By Cassidy James Blaede

Added XMODIFIERS to .desktop to fix bug 1168890

5. By Cassidy James Blaede

Added Screenshots, Texture Packs, and Wiki QuickList items.

4. By Cody Garver

Fix icon installation paths.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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