
Created by Michi Henning and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/scope-cache-dir
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Branch information

Michi Henning

Recent revisions

419. By Michi Henning

Merged devel and resolved conflicts.

418. By Michi Henning

scoperegistry now creates the root of the data directory for confined
scopes, e.g. $HOME/.local/share/unity-scopes/leaf-net.

The directory <scope_id> within that directory is created by
each confined scope itself when the scope is run.
(The scope's Apparmor profile allows this.)

417. By Michi Henning

Merged devel and resolved conflicts.

416. By Michi Henning

Backed out changes for config file setting. Using the
try-and-make-conclusions-if-it-doesn't-work approach now.

415. By Michi Henning

Updated symbols file.

414. By Michi Henning

Merged devel.

413. By Michi Henning

Changed the way cache_directory() is set. New config setting
in <scope_id>.ini, ConfinementType, now determines the
confinement type, which is part of the path for the cache
directory. scoperegistry creates the cache directory if
it doesn't exist.

412. By Michi Henning

Fixed symbols file using gcc 4.8.

411. By Michi Henning

Fixed symbols file by hand without gcc 4.8 installed. Fingers crossed...

410. By Michi Henning

Added "aggregator" to list of directories looked at for cache_directory().

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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