Looks like the arm64 test still failed, but I'm going to assume that's just flaky if you can make sure to check that it builds and passes its test after uploading. Might need a rebuild/retrigger or two. That's not unusual for apache.
triage-kinetic+22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/review-lp2003189/apache2-gu$ changes_file="../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes" triage-kinetic+22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/review-lp2003189/apache2-gu$ grep ^Vcs "${changes_file}" Vcs-Git: https://git.launchpad.net/~bryce/ubuntu/+source/apache2 Vcs-Git-Commit: d3a421de7af1f49866576f151a07b996c23acd21 Vcs-Git-Ref: refs/heads/passing-health-check-lp2003189-kinetic triage-kinetic+22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/review-lp2003189/apache2-gu$ debsponsor "${changes_file}" signfile dsc ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.dsc A661100B3DAC1D4F2CAD8A54E603B2578FB8F0FB
fixup_buildinfo ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.dsc ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.buildinfo signfile buildinfo ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.buildinfo A661100B3DAC1D4F2CAD8A54E603B2578FB8F0FB
fixup_changes dsc ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.dsc ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes fixup_changes buildinfo ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.buildinfo ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes signfile changes ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes A661100B3DAC1D4F2CAD8A54E603B2578FB8F0FB
Successfully signed dsc, buildinfo, changes files triage-kinetic+22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/review-lp2003189/apache2-gu$ gpg --verify "${changes_file}" gpg: Signature made Thu 04 May 2023 02:29:22 AM UTC gpg: using RSA key A661100B3DAC1D4F2CAD8A54E603B2578FB8F0FB gpg: Good signature from "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate] gpg: aka "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate] gpg: aka "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate] triage-kinetic+22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/review-lp2003189/apache2-gu$ dput ubuntu "${changes_file}" D: Setting host argument. Checking signature on .changes gpg: ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB Checking signature on .dsc gpg: ../apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.dsc: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): Uploading apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.dsc: done. Uploading apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4.debian.tar.xz: done. Uploading apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.buildinfo: done. Uploading apache2_2.4.54-2ubuntu1.4_source.changes: done. Successfully uploaded packages.
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Looks like the arm64 test still failed, but I'm going to assume that's just flaky if you can make sure to check that it builds and passes its test after uploading. Might need a rebuild/retrigger or two. That's not unusual for apache.
triage- kinetic+ 22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/ review- lp2003189/ apache2- gu$ changes_ file=". ./apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes" kinetic+ 22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/ review- lp2003189/ apache2- gu$ grep ^Vcs "${changes_file}" /git.launchpad. net/~bryce/ ubuntu/ +source/ apache2 866576f151a07b9 96c23acd21 passing- health- check-lp2003189 -kinetic kinetic+ 22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/ review- lp2003189/ apache2- gu$ debsponsor "${changes_file}" 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.dsc A661100B3DAC1D4 F2CAD8A54E603B2 578FB8F0FB
Vcs-Git: https:/
Vcs-Git-Commit: d3a421de7af1f49
Vcs-Git-Ref: refs/heads/
signfile dsc ../apache2_
fixup_buildinfo ../apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.dsc ../apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. buildinfo 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. buildinfo A661100B3DAC1D4 F2CAD8A54E603B2 578FB8F0FB
signfile buildinfo ../apache2_
fixup_changes dsc ../apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.dsc ../apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. buildinfo ../apache2_ 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes A661100B3DAC1D4 F2CAD8A54E603B2 578FB8F0FB
fixup_changes buildinfo ../apache2_
signfile changes ../apache2_
Successfully signed dsc, buildinfo, changes files kinetic+ 22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/ review- lp2003189/ apache2- gu$ gpg --verify "${changes_file}" F2CAD8A54E603B2 578FB8F0FB kinetic+ 22.10: ~/pkg/Apache2/ review- lp2003189/ apache2- gu$ dput ubuntu "${changes_file}" 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.dsc: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.dsc: done. 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4.debian. tar.xz: done. 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. buildinfo: done. 2.4.54- 2ubuntu1. 4_source. changes: done.
gpg: Signature made Thu 04 May 2023 02:29:22 AM UTC
gpg: using RSA key A661100B3DAC1D4
gpg: Good signature from "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>" [ultimate]
D: Setting host argument.
Checking signature on .changes
gpg: ../apache2_
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: ../apache2_
Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):
Uploading apache2_
Uploading apache2_
Uploading apache2_
Uploading apache2_
Successfully uploaded packages.