
Created by Micha Lenk and last modified
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Micha Lenk

Recent revisions

53. By Micha Lenk <email address hidden>

Drop build-dep on locales-all and don't run dh_auto_test so backport builds won't fail anymore

52. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Run post-build tests:
  + Added "debian/clean".
  + Build-Depends += "locales-all".
  + New "disable-broken-tests.patch".
  + source/options/extend-diff-ignore for .gml2 files.
* rules: commented "export DH_VERBOSE=1" to reduce DH verbosity.
* python-gnucash: droped unused lintian-overrides.

51. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

New upstream release [June 2015].

50. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Update for soname bump in libaqbanking (Closes: #787868).
  Thanks, Micha Lenk.
* Build-Depends:
  - libaqbanking34-dev (>= 5.3.5beta-2~)
  + libaqbanking-dev (>= 5.6.0beta)
  + dh-python

49. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

[ Dmitry Smirnov ]
* New upstream release [March 2015] (Closes: #764821).
* Removed backported patches.
* Removed unused lintian-overrides "binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath".
* Build with full hardening.
* Updated Vcs-Browser URL.
* Added "debian/gbp.conf".

[ Sébastien Villemot ]
* Hand over maintenance to Dmitry Smirnov.

48. By Sébastien Villemot

barchart.patch: incorporate upstream fix for stacked barchart graphs.
(Closes: #767735)

47. By Sébastien Villemot

* crash-missing-comma.patch: new patch, fixes random crashes.
  Thanks to Frédéric Brière for finding and fixing this issue.
  (Closes: #764510)
* barchart.patch: new patch from upstream, fixes display problems in
  barcharts. (Closes: #765412)
* More backports from upstream, fix various crashes:
   + crash-0000-00-00-date-mysql.patch
   + crash-reload-budget-report.patch

46. By Sébastien Villemot

* Imported Upstream version 2.6.4
  + Fixes formula parsing error with scheduled mortgage transactions.
    (Closes: #748594)
  + No longer crashes on exit when python-gnucash is installed.
    (LP: #1312411)
* Add missing dependency of python-gnucash on python-gtk2.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes needed.

45. By Sébastien Villemot

* Imported Upstream version 2.6.3
* Add dependency on libaqbanking34-plugins. (Closes: #725022)

44. By Sébastien Villemot

* Imported Upstream version 2.6.2
* libdbd-multiarch.patch: remove patch, applied upstream.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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