Merge lp://staging/~mew/juju-deployer/option-from-file into lp://staging/~gandelman-a/juju-deployer/trunk

Proposed by Matthew Wedgwood
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 65
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~mew/juju-deployer/option-from-file
Merge into: lp://staging/~gandelman-a/juju-deployer/trunk
Diff against target: 256 lines (+96/-57)
2 files modified (+48/-19) (+48/-38)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~mew/juju-deployer/option-from-file
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Adam Gandelman Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Allow the value of a charm config option to be read from a file (and optionally base64 encoded). The use case for this is config options with multi-line or encoded values, such as the "vhost_https_template" option from the apache2 charm.

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67. By Matthew Wedgwood

remove debugging cruft

Revision history for this message
Adam Gandelman (gandelman-a) wrote :

Matthew, this generally works good. Just wondering if the read()s should also strip() trailing newlines to keep them from showing up as part of the config value in the environment?

Revision history for this message
Matthew Wedgwood (mew) wrote :

Good point. It's probably better to filter the text so that all of the anti-json characters are escaped. I'll look into doing that.

Revision history for this message
Matthew Wedgwood (mew) wrote :

Sorry, I should have thought about that a bit more thoroughly. Escaping isn't the problem, is it?

The intention of include-file and include-base64 is to provide a way to pull in values that may be built externally or have complex internal structure that would be difficult to maintain inside a JSON (or YAML) file.

In the example I mentioned above, "vhost_https_template" option from the apache2 charm is a jinja2 templated httpd.conf-style configuration hunk. It's usually hand-maintained. I could also imagine something like a crontab file being included this way, and I believe cron is particular about having a trailing newline.

Revision history for this message
Adam Gandelman (gandelman-a) wrote :

Sorry for the delay. I had meant to test to use case I had in mind but haven't gotten to it yet. Looking at it again, I think this is generally okay.

I was thinking of a case where i'd like to store a passwd outside of the charm in a file, eg:

service1: {
 options: {
   user: adam
   passwd: include-file:///home/adam/.services/passwd

and have the charm do something like:

service-manager user-create username=$(config-get username) password=$(config-get passwd)


user = subprocess.check_output(['config-get', 'user'])
passwd = subprocess.check_output(['config-get', 'passwd'])
utils.manager(username=user, passwd=passwd)

I think this would be okay in both cases. The bash case would strip out newlines, anyway and the python case should probably cleaning up stdout anyway. I'll give this branch just another test one more time otherwise LGTM.

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