Merge lp://staging/~maxolasersquad/ubuntu/precise/epiphany-browser/add_quicklist into lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/epiphany-browser

Proposed by David Baucum
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~maxolasersquad/ubuntu/precise/epiphany-browser/add_quicklist
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/epiphany-browser
Diff against target: 19 lines (+12/-0)
1 file modified
data/ (+12/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~maxolasersquad/ubuntu/precise/epiphany-browser/add_quicklist
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Sebastien Bacher Needs Fixing
Ubuntu branches Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Adds a Unity Quicklist shortcut to Epiphany's launcher for opening new instances of the browser.

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Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

Thank you for your work, could you send it upstream on

We can't translate universe sources easily and it's late in the cycle so better to get that upstream first

I'm setting the merge request to "in progress" to get it out of the sponsoring queue for now since we will not upload it before precise

Note that to be consistent with other entries you might want to use "Open New Window" and "Open New Window in Private Mode"

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
David Baucum (maxolasersquad) wrote :

> Thank you for your work, could you send it upstream on
> We can't translate universe sources easily and it's late in the cycle so
> better to get that upstream first
> I'm setting the merge request to "in progress" to get it out of the sponsoring
> queue for now since we will not upload it before precise
> Note that to be consistent with other entries you might want to use "Open New
> Window" and "Open New Window in Private Mode"

I will send it upstream.

When you say to be consistent, what is the wording you propose consistent with? In Chromium the verbiage is "Open a New Window" and "Open a New Window in incognito mode" and in Firefox the verbiage is "Open a New Window" It was based on the verbiage used in these other two browsers that I chose the verbiage in this commit.

120. By David Baucum

Fixed command to launch private browsing from the unity quicklist.

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

It seems we have a bit on an inconsistance already there with the use of "a" or not indeed, I've no strong opinion either way, the designer I asked to recommended using whatever the application is using in its menu but seems the most frequent form is "Open New Something"

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

Could you update to use the new Desktop Action format?

the Name should be prefixed by a "_", i.e _Name to be translatable

"Open a New Window in private mode" should also be "Open a New Window in Private Mode"

121. By David Baucum

Changed Unity Quicklist to use the specification

122. By David Baucum

Fixed quicklist integration target

Unmerged revisions

122. By David Baucum

Fixed quicklist integration target

121. By David Baucum

Changed Unity Quicklist to use the specification

120. By David Baucum

Fixed command to launch private browsing from the unity quicklist.

119. By David Baucum

Add a Unity Quicklist

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