
Created by Matthieu Baerts and last modified
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Matthieu Baerts

Recent revisions

15. By Matthieu Baerts

* libbrasero-media1 is needed but no longuer available (LP: #793438)
* debian/control:
 - Removed libbrasero-media-dev and not replaced with libbrasero-media3-dev
    because the new version of this library seems not compatible
 - Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.2
* debian/rules:
 - Disabled libbrasero support and useless debug messages

14. By David Paleino

* New upstream version
* Patches refreshed
* 01-PIC.patch removed, it's now put in configure.ac by upstream
* Fix FTBFS, missing linkage to libICE (01-fix_missing_linkage.patch)
* Added Build-Depends on libsm-dev and libice-dev

13. By David Paleino

* New upstream version
* Patches refreshed
* Old patches removed; they're not useful anymore, and only clutter

12. By Fabrice Coutadeur

99-exiv2-0.21.patch: fix FTBFS with exiv2-0.21. Patch taken from upstream.

11. By David Paleino

* New upstream version
* Patches refreshed
* Add runtime dependency (as Recommends) on bison and flex,
  needed by the webalbums plugin. They're Recommends because they
  don't harm the core functionality of the program.
* Applied some patches from upstream's git:
  - updated ja and eu translations
  - fixed reading of ExifDatum's (improves previous
  - correctly activate default extensions on first run

10. By David Paleino

debian/patches/14-safe_exif_read.patch: safely read Exif
orientation, since it seems like some cameras don't store it.
(Closes: #601137)

9. By David Paleino

New upstream version

8. By David Paleino

* New upstream version
* debian/patches/:
  - 04-fix_source_typo.patch, 05-fix_locales.patch,
    07-fix_documentation_xml.patch refreshed
  - 06-add_keybinding_DoNotSave.patch disabled, seems to be
    applied upstream

7. By David Paleino

* New upstream release
* debian/patches/:
  - 18-build_with_gtk2.19.patch removed, merged upstream
  - 19-backport_data_migration.patch removed, present in the new
  - 04-fix_source_typo.patch, 07-fix_documentation_xml.patch,
    13-fix_Close_mismatch.patch refreshed to cleanly apply
* debian/gthumb-dev.install: don't install *.la files anymore
* debian/control:
  - Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.1
    + don't install *.la files anymore in gthumb-dev

6. By David Paleino

* New SVN snapshot
* debian/patches:
  - 00-enable_maintainer_mode.patch added
  - 00-fix_ltmain.sh.patch added (this ensures -Wl,--as-needed
    works correctly)
  - 08-fix_preferences.patch added (Closes: #452932)
  - 99-fix_gthumb.desktop_end-of-build.patch added, to fix gthumb.desktop
    appearing in .diff.gz.
  - all the other patches have been refreshed to cleanly apply
    to the new source.
* debian/control:
  - Vcs-Browser field fixed
  - Build-Depends:
    - added libopenrawgnome-dev, libxrender-dev, libxtst-dev, libxext-dev,
      docbook-xml and libgstreamer0.10-dev
    - removed libexif-dev in favour of libexiv2-dev
    - removed automake1.9 in favour of automake(1.10)
    - versioned B-D on debhelper (>= 5.0.51~ for dh_icons)
  - moved scrollkeeper to Recommends (it's not essential)
* debian/rules:
  - passing -Wl,--as-needed to the linker (configure target)
  - passing --with-gconf-schema-dir to ./configure
  - auto-generation of htaccess and README files for Album Themes
  - fixing DTD urls for XML documentation (buildds have no internet
    access, we provide them through docbook-xml)
* debian/htaccess.tmpl added (Closes: #434111)
* debian/copyright: fixed upstream's email address.
* debian/gthumb.xpm updated with the new icon :)
* Added support to libopenraw (Closes: #365060)
* Added support to XRender
* Added support to XTest
* Added support to XF86VidModeSetGamma
* Added support to scrollkeeper (debian/gthumb.post{inst,rm})
* Added MIME support (Closes: #469316)

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