Merge lp://staging/~matthew-gretton-dann/cbuild/cbuild-init into lp://staging/~linaro-toolchain-dev/cbuild/cbuild-init

Proposed by Matthew Gretton-Dann
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~matthew-gretton-dann/cbuild/cbuild-init
Merge into: lp://staging/~linaro-toolchain-dev/cbuild/cbuild-init
Diff against target: 193 lines (+74/-48)
6 files modified
README (+2/-3) (+39/-31) (+1/-10) (+21/-3) (+10/-0) (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~matthew-gretton-dann/cbuild/cbuild-init
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
rsavoye Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Make the major changes needed to cbuild-init to make the current steps execute successfully.

This doesn't ensure the layout is complete or fix any of the PENDING steps.

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Revision history for this message
Matthew Gretton-Dann (matthew-gretton-dann) wrote :

I tested this by make a precise schroot, checking out the branch into the chroot and running it from the chroot.

Revision history for this message
rsavoye (rob-welcomehome) wrote :

On 05/22/13 06:23, Matthew Gretton-Dann wrote:
> Matthew Gretton-Dann has proposed merging lp:~matthew-gretton-dann/cbuild/cbuild-init into lp:~linaro-toolchain-dev/cbuild/cbuild-init.
> Requested reviews:
> rsavoye (rob-welcomehome)
  Looks ok to me.

    - rob -

Unmerged revisions

33. By Matthew Gretton-Dann

Checkout scheduler into the already existing directories.

32. By Matthew Gretton-Dann

Create snapshots when generating repos

Previously the script pulled the snapshots from the
pre-existing cbuild.v.l.o instance. This si obviously useless when
building cbuild.v.l.o from scratch.

We now generate snapshots/base from the repos we create as we we do
the branching.

31. By Matthew Gretton-Dann

Change scripts to need to be run as root user.

30. By Matthew Gretton-Dann

Add a complete wrapper and ensure wrappers are executable.

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