vlan-udeb : Lucid (10.04) : Code : vlan package : Ubuntu


Created by Mathias Gug and last modified
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Mathias Gug

Recent revisions

10. By Mathias Gug

Set XB-Installer-Menu-Item to 99999 so that anna knows about the udeb.

9. By Mathias Gug

debian/control, debian/vlan-udeb.install: Create vlan-udeb package to
be able to install the vconfig command line in the installer.
(LP: #530468)

8. By Kees Cook

No-change rebuild to gain FORTIFY defaults.

7. By Loïc Minier

* Add XS-Vcs-Git and XS-Vcs-Browser fields to control.
* Fix and cleanup the vlan-interfaces.5 man page.
* Drop useless delta and cleanup Debian diff.
* Rewrite copyright file completely; some copyrights and licensing headers
  are missing upstream and should be clarified with the help of upstream.
* Stop installing README; no useful additional information.
* Drop Debian specific exit codes for vconfig errors; use upstream exit
  codes instead; document this change in NEWS.
* Big cleanup to build and rules; misc fixes for obsolete constructions.
* Cleanup CCFLAGS:
  - Build without -D_GNU_SOURCE; makes no difference on the resulting
    binaries, so simply rely on the upstream build.
  - Build with -O2 unless DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS has noopt.
* Prepare to ship macvlan_config in the future.
* Add support for bonding in if-pre-up and if-post-down scripts; cleanup
  these scripts; closes: #404630.
* Point to the vlan-interfaces(5) man page in the Debian README and
  recommend setting vlan-raw-device.
* Add support for wlan in if-pre-up and if-post-down scripts;
  closes: #398837.
* Document the bonding and wlan changes in NEWS.
* Install howto.html as documentation.
* Document that aliases are ignored by the vlan scripts; closes: #400827.
* Add debian/TODO list.
* Pass STRIP=true to the upstream build to avoid stripping; closes: #438253.
* Hide "bind-type" in help string as it doesn't seem to be implemented;
  closes: #398807.
* Document that the default for REORDER_HDR is 1 since 2.6.18; thanks
  Kristian Sørensen; closes: #436219.

6. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild for changes in the amd64 toolchain.

5. By Loïc Minier

* Bump up Standards-Version to 3.7.2.
* Bump up Debhelper compatibility level to 5.
* Comment out DH_VERBOSE.
* Add ${misc:Depends}.
* Add empty binary-indep target; thanks Aurelien Jarno; closes: #395758.
* Update description to clarify that 2.6 kernels are supported; thanks
  Martin Michlmayr; closes: #344782.
* Drop debian/source.lintian-overrides.
* Drop debconf-utils from Depends.
* Drop obsolete debian/vlan-nice.patch and debian/vlan-fixes.patch, as well
  as README.Debian which only referenced them.

4. By Ard van Breemen

* New upstream
  closes: #213656
* Fixed postdownscripts to detect and remove eth*.* interfaces correctly
  closes: #196890

3. By Roland Mas <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload according to the release manager's plan.
* Fixed multiline strings to fix building from sources
  closes: #195064

2. By Ard van Breemen

Fixed bug in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/vlan
VLANID was not correctly determined

1. By Ard van Breemen

Import upstream version 1.5

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