Merge lp://staging/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/rtm-fixes into lp://staging/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/rtm-14.09

Proposed by Alberto Mardegan
Status: Merged
Approved by: David Barth
Approved revision: 206
Merged at revision: 203
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/rtm-fixes
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/rtm-14.09
Diff against target: 1412 lines (+753/-50)
27 files modified
debian/changelog (+11/-0)
debian/control (+1/-0)
online-accounts-service/mir-helper-stub.cpp (+2/-2)
online-accounts-service/mir-helper.cpp (+23/-12)
online-accounts-service/mir-helper.h (+4/-1)
online-accounts-service/request.cpp (+15/-1)
online-accounts-service/request.h (+3/-0)
online-accounts-service/ui-proxy.cpp (+24/-12)
online-accounts-ui/dialog-request.cpp (+286/-0)
online-accounts-ui/dialog-request.h (+54/-0)
online-accounts-ui/ipc.h (+1/-0)
online-accounts-ui/ (+3/-0)
online-accounts-ui/provider-request.cpp (+7/-11)
online-accounts-ui/qml/ProviderRequest.qml (+14/-0)
online-accounts-ui/qml/SignOnUiDialog.qml (+115/-0)
online-accounts-ui/request.cpp (+15/-1)
online-accounts-ui/request.h (+2/-0)
online-accounts-ui/signonui-request.cpp (+32/-2)
online-accounts-ui/ui-server.cpp (+1/-0)
online-accounts-ui/ui.qrc (+1/-0)
plugins/OnlineAccountsPlugin/application-manager.cpp (+11/-1)
plugins/module/ServiceItem.qml (+1/-2)
tests/online-accounts-service/mock/request-mock.cpp (+13/-0)
tests/online-accounts-service/mock/request-mock.h (+1/-0)
tests/online-accounts-service/tst_ui_proxy.cpp (+71/-1)
tests/online-accounts-ui/ (+1/-0)
tests/plugin/tst_application_manager.cpp (+41/-4)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/rtm-fixes
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
David Barth (community) Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Backport of two bugfixes:

- Handle early authentication requests in the same trust session
- Handle requests from unconfined applications

Description of the change

Backport of two bugfixes:

- Handle early authentication requests in the same trust session
- Handle requests from unconfined applications

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Revision history for this message
David Barth (dbarth) :
review: Approve
204. By Alberto Mardegan

Implement QML dialog for password queries

Authentication plugins can request SignOnUi to show a login form to the user. Support for this action is implemented by unity7's signon-ui, but was never implemented in this project.

205. By Alberto Mardegan

Make sure apps don't appear on top of each other

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