Merge lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk into lp://staging/charms/wordpress

Proposed by Marco Ceppi
Status: Merged
Approved by: Mark Mims
Approved revision: no longer in the source branch.
Merged at revision: 55
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk
Merge into: lp://staging/charms/wordpress
Diff against target: 2597 lines (+2340/-56) (has conflicts)
24 files modified (+152/-0)
config.yaml (+26/-0)
copyright (+1/-1)
files/_debug/apc.php (+1364/-0)
files/_debug/info.php (+3/-0)
files/charm/nginx/etc_nginx_nginx.conf (+58/-0)
files/charm/nginx/etc_nginx_sites-enabled_loadbalancer (+51/-0)
files/charm/nginx/etc_nginx_sites-enabled_wordpress (+72/-0)
files/charm/php/php5-fpm_pool.d_www.conf (+41/-0)
files/charm/php/php5_conf.d_apc.ini (+13/-0)
hooks/config-changed (+54/-0)
hooks/db-relation-changed (+94/-46)
hooks/db-relation-departed (+5/-0)
hooks/install (+56/-1)
hooks/loadbalancer-relation-joined (+124/-0)
hooks/nfs-relation-changed (+28/-0)
hooks/nfs-relation-departed (+20/-0)
hooks/restart (+4/-0)
hooks/start (+3/-0)
hooks/stop (+5/-2)
hooks/upgrade-charm (+11/-0)
inc/common (+139/-0)
metadata.yaml (+12/-6)
revision (+4/-0)
Text conflict in hooks/db-relation-changed
Text conflict in metadata.yaml
Text conflict in revision
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Mark Mims (community) Approve
charmers Pending
Benjamin Kerensa Pending
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2012-08-07.

Description of the change

There are a great many changes made to this charm, I will try to sum them up:

Remove all the OMG! Ubuntu specific items
Allow for the use of NFS mounts to share data for lazy bloggers who are popular
Provide three configuration options for users: bare, single, optimized

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Revision history for this message
Benjamin Kerensa (bkerensa) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

Looks sane to me.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Mark Mims (mark-mims) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

Ok, here's a static review: This is an _example_ charm we'll use in charmschools and demos, so I'll have more stuff to say than when reviewing a normal charm :)

# things to change

- love the config and especially the config-changed hook... it's very simple, organized, and demoable! Please put explicit values into config.yaml... please don't make me guess if I should put `Optimized` or `optimized`

- so `charm proof` gives `I: relation shared-fs has no hooks`. I understand the desire to add a more general relation than nfs, but please remove this metadata until it's implemented to keep it clean and simple for people to read (demo charm)

- instead of `files/wordpress/wp-content`, please pull themes and plugins from external repos as needed... it's just extra cruft in the charm and it seems like it could grow _considerably_ and change at a faster/different rate than the charm itself. We want this to be best-practice for charms (demo charm). Perhaps we should discuss this one in channel with the gang or on the list to get a consensus on this, but I'd certainly prefer configurable external repos.

- the `stop` hook references omgbackup... that's great but make it generic please

- I'd love to see some of your `files/charm` contents be actual templates where more stuff is externalized via config. e.g., ports and stuff. Well, ok... after looking some more, some of this stuff will *need* to be parametrized... i.e., there're urls littering the static config files. Those need to be in `config.yaml`

# discussion/recommendations

- it's unclear what `deets` is and why that's not coming from upstream repos

- `upgrade-charm` hook should maybe provide a way to change nginx config too?

Thanks man... totally excited about getting this pimped-out version in the main charm! we need more like this.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Marco Ceppi (marcoceppi) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

* Explicit values added (and config-changed updated to convert incoming values to lower case)
* Shared-fs relation removed, that will be added once Gluster charm is ready
* External repo added, currently defaults to github:jujutools/wordpress-site will be moved to an LP branch at a later date
* All references to OMGUbuntu removed
  * A backup charm would be a great idea, for now it's just not in the charm
* deets has been moved to _debug and is now a config option
* upgrade-charm now re-runs the hooks/config-changed to make sure everything gets re-set up

Revision history for this message
Mark Mims (mark-mims) wrote :

awesome man... thanks!

debug is brilliant... we should perhaps add that as a "best practice" for charming... enable debug configs for the service itself if it supports it.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Mark Mims (mark-mims) wrote :

marco, merge away.

Please watch out for the conflicts.

55. By Marco Ceppi

* Nginx as a webserver
* Allow for scale-out with nginx
* Track Themes, Plugins, and other custom files in remote repo
* Cache levels are user-definable
* Share files between nodes with NFS
* Lots of performance enhancements

# Todo
* Add memcache support
* Wider support for remote files

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