Merge lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charm-tools/better-getall into lp://staging/charm-tools/1.6

Proposed by Marco Ceppi
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charm-tools/better-getall
Merge into: lp://staging/charm-tools/1.6
Diff against target: 94 lines (+18/-6)
4 files modified
charmtools/ (+2/-2)
charmtools/ (+2/-0)
charmtools/ (+11/-1)
tests/ (+3/-3)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~marcoceppi/charm-tools/better-getall
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Charm Toolers Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Have search use the API

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Revision history for this message
Adam Israel (aisrael) wrote :

Hey Marco,

Some brief comments on this merge. I did a quick run through, testing getall. It look like it's working fine here. I particularly like the flag to fetch by series.

I have run into an intermittent "Connection Timeout: disconnecting client after 300.0 seconds" with the previous revision and this one, and I wonder if that could also be fixed here. It's confusing when that warning pops up. I don't know if it's skipped a charm due to timeout, or if it retried. I've also had it happen at the end of a getall, which at first left me thinking that the timeout aborted the fetch (which is not the case, afaict).

Unmerged revisions

354. By Marco Ceppi

Search against the API

353. By Marco Ceppi

Make Charm imports simpler

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