
Created by Matt Wilkie and last modified
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Matt Wilkie

Recent revisions

5782. By Matt Wilkie

we don't need pkg_resources.py anymore

5781. By Matt Wilkie

Fix 2 launcher bugs: 1) shebang line with invalid path results in "failed to create process" error. 2) leo.exe will open a momentary console window if shebang does not have 'pythonw' (and must be 1st line in file)

5780. By Matt Wilkie

Fix "close failed in file object destructor" error at end of running installer on target machine: don't use print or anything that writes to stdout in a postinstall script.

close failed in file object destructor:
sys.excepthook is missing
lost sys.stderr
Exceptionally good explanation by David Zaslavsky at

5779. By Matt Wilkie

Solve no Distribute on target machine: rewrite Leo launch scripts in post install.
The foo.exe will run whatever is in foo-script.py, it doesn't need to use entry points. Kudos to PJ Eby on Distutils-SIG mailing list.

5778. By Matt Wilkie

Smelly hack, allows leo.exe to run on machines w/out Distribute, by adding pkg_resources.py module from it as a "script". Not sure if I'll keep it. c.f. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2013-May/020805.html

5777. By Matt Wilkie

setup.cfg: now works for all 3 dist options. Now I no longer have Bazaar Explorer crash everytime I run a build, because it's trying to track the ./dist and ./build dirs inside the source code tree. However the hardcoded paths to outside the source tree might be a problem to others; maybe reroute through TEMP?

5776. By Matt Wilkie

setup.cfg must be in root to be used :( We'll roll with that for now.

5775. By Matt Wilkie

"Note that an option spelled --foo-bar on the command-line is spelled foo_bar in configuration files." (but still doesn't work for me)

5774. By Matt Wilkie

1st attempt to implement http://docs.python.org/2.7/distutils/configfile.html (not working yet)

5773. By Matt Wilkie

setup.py build now works from non-root setup folder

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