Name | Status | Last Modified | Last Commit | |
lp://staging/ |
1 Development | 2012-02-03 17:18:23 UTC |
Added manu_file_export module that al...
<email address hidden>
Added manu_file_export module that allows exporting data with domain filtering |
lp://staging/ |
1 Development | 2012-01-26 19:15:41 UTC |
[FIX] code field was removed from res...
[FIX] code field was removed from so I have added it in the localization as it is required to lookup banks when entering the bank account number |
lp://staging/ |
1 Development | 2011-12-29 18:06:03 UTC |
[FIX]/[IMP] fixed bug creating the lo...
[FIX]/[IMP] fixed bug creating the lot sequence. name was False in the method create (in product_ |
lp://staging/ |
2 Mature | 2011-10-03 21:49:56 UTC |
We can not work with the current deli...
We can not work with the current delivery module as is because we need to track the delivery.carrier assigned to each picking in order to create a text file that integrates with the logistic platform of the carrier. Unfortunately there are companies that use the "Delivery Costs" button in the sales order to add the delivery costs to the sale order. When this is done, filling the Delivery Method field of the sale.order would cause the invoice to have another line added because that field is used to indicate the delivery.carrier and that the system should compute the shipping costs of the picking when creating the invoice for the picking. This led these kind of companies with the problem that they can not track the carrier used in the shipments. However, this can easily be fixed as I have done: * I have added another field to the sale.order and to the stock.picking called invoice_ With this solution you can know the carrier used if you add the delivery costs manually or if they get added later, so it seems more natural. As I said before, this changes are critical for us now so please tell me if I need to change anything to get this merged ASAP. Thank you very much. |
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