
Created by Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा) and last modified
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Recent revisions

726. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

In case the user provides a wrong username or ppa name, then the exception is handled

* The exception handler checks that if the username starts with a ~, in this case
  it suggests does the user mean the username without a ~. e.g. if the user does
  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:~gnome3team/stable, then the script will ask the user
  if he means ppa:gnome3team/stable
* Even better friendlier messages can be provided, but for that it will introduce
  lauchpadlib as a dependency

725. By Michael Vogt

merged from the oneiric branch

724. By Michael Vogt

merged lp:~evfool/software-properties/fixes, awesome work!

723. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.81.13

722. By Michael Vogt

manually merged lp:~kelemeng/software-properties/bug853231

721. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.81.12

720. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.81.11

719. By Michael Vogt

* lp:~kelemeng/software-properties/bug853231-upstream:
  - Add missing files to POTFILES.in (LP: #853231)
  Many thanks to Gabor Kelemen

718. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.81.10

717. By Michael Vogt

* softwareproperties/dbus/SoftwarePropertiesDBus.py, tests/test_dbus.py:
  - fix crash when there are unicode comments in the sources.list
    file (LP: #820028). Dbus always sends us a dbus.String which is
    type unicode, but python-apt expects utf8 encoded str

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