
Created by Manuel de la Peña and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~mandel/wadlsharp/fix-641205
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Branch information

Manuel de la Peña
WADL Sharp

Recent revisions

26. By Manuel de la Peña

Fix lp:641205 by removing the file if present and not using the TruncateMode.

25. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Added support for IConverter which exposes an interface for converting WADL file location to C# based file location and also passing the rootnamespace

24. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Added support for namespaces import and added more checks for finding whether the Enumeration already exsists

23. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Fixed the Enumeration Problems. No duplicate enumerations are created.

22. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Created body of EnumDescription Class
Create the section for getting the description from the Enumeration

21. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Fixed the method with return type void
Added partial support for getting the description of an enum.

Finish method CreateEnumDescription to get the description of the Enumeration

20. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

* Removed Fixed values from metod parameters
* All the parameter values are added to the dictionary

Pending: Adding enumeration values to the dictionary

19. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

* Created Fetch Method
* Fixed CreateInputParameters
* Added the Resource file to keep track of all method names
* Implemented calling Serialize, Fetch and Parse methods inside each method

18. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

* Added code to create HttpMethodType enumeration
* Added else section to LpClass to create constructor to web-service root class
* Expanded Customizer class to create one more method Fetch

17. By Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा)

Added support for constructor and added uri, httpHeaders and ICustomise as parameters
Added one more method in LpField

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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