
Created by Manuel de la Peña and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use-new-fsevents-api
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Branch information

Manuel de la Peña
Ubuntu One Client

Recent revisions

1296. By Manuel de la Peña

Pump one revision to force launchpad re-scan.

1295. By Manuel de la Peña

Link bugs.

1294. By Manuel de la Peña

Link bugs.

1293. By Manuel de la Peña

Pass the two new keyword arguments so that we process events as soon as possible.

1292. By Diego Sarmentero

- Fixing ipc signals in windows and changing deque size to 5

1291. By dobey

Move the patching of user_home to before where it is used elsewhere in setUp

1290. By Diego Sarmentero

- Adding ipc support to share the menu data (LP: #1032659).

1289. By Alejandro J. Cura

- DownloadFinished ipc signal is now thrown after the partial is commited. (LP: #1031197)

1288. By Diego Sarmentero

- Collect and return the data for the menu from aggregator (LP: #1032659).

1287. By Diego Sarmentero

- Refactoring test for filesystem notifications

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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