
Created by Andres Rodriguez and last modified
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MAAS Maintainers

Recent revisions

75. By Julian Edwards

[r=smoser][bug=][author=julian-edwards] The config_master_dhcp option ``--dhcp-interfaces`` is no longer valid, it needs to be --interface instead.

74. By Andres Rodriguez

* New upstream release for precise
* debian/extras/99-maas-sudoers: Add missing rule for
  maas-provision. (LP: #1046397)

73. By Andres Rodriguez

Precise commit for unreleased 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu1

72. By Julian Edwards

[r=julian-edwards][bug=][author=julian-edwards] Update to latest trunk, fixing pserv patch.

71. By Andres Rodriguez

New upstream release for Precise

70. By Andres Rodriguez

Revert last comit

69. By Andres Rodriguez

Precise packaging branch

68. By Andres Rodriguez

[r=andreserl][bug=][author=andreserl] * Minor improvements on dbconfig-common handling:
  - debian/maas.config: Only call dbc_go when scripts present.
  - debian/maas.postrm: Only call dbc_go when config file exists.

67. By Andres Rodriguez

[r=andreserl][bug=][author=andreserl] * Allow restart of 'isc-dhcp-server' by adding a sudoers file:
  - debian/extras/99-maas-sudoers: Added.
  - debian/maas.install: Install 99-maas-sudoers

66. By Andres Rodriguez

[r=andreserl][bug=][author=andreserl] maas-dhcp: Re-add to handle initial configuration of MAAS DHCP server.

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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