- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~ltrager/maas-images/create
Branch merges
- maintainers of maas images: Pending requested
Diff: 129 lines (+90/-2)2 files modifiedmeph2/commands/flags.py (+19/-0)
meph2/commands/meph2_util.py (+71/-2)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 355. By Scott Moser
netinst: support d-i hwe kernels from rolling hwe
For LTS releases prior to xenial, the hardware enablement kernel was
specifically tied to a subsequent release. Thus, for trusty we had
d-i paths like:device-
tree/apm- merlin. dtb
wily-device-tree/apm- merlin. dtb
xenial-device- tree/apm- merlin. dtb netboot/
ubuntu- installer/ i386/linux
wily-netboot/ubuntu- installer/ i386/linux
xenial-netboot/ ubuntu- installer/ i386/linux generic-
lpae/netboot/ initrd. gz
wily-generic-lpae/netboot/ initrd. gz
xenial-generic- lpae/netboot/ initrd. gz With xenial, the hwe kernel is not specifically tied to a release, but
rather "rolls". So we have new paths that look like this:hwe-device-
tree/apm- merlin. dtb
hwe-netboot/ubuntu- installer/ i386/linux
hwe-generic-lpae/netboot/ initrd. gz For those the 'kernel_release' data is set to simply "hwe".
The unit test data tests/unittests
/file_item_ data.json is updated here
and sorted with the following:
$ cat sort-json.py
import json, sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as fp:
data = json.loads(fp.read( ).encode( ))
with open(sys.argv[1], "wb") as fp:
fp.write(json. dumps(data, indent=1, sort_keys=True,
separators= (",", ": ")).encode("utf-8") + "\n")
$ sort-json.py tests/unittests/file_item_ data.json - 354. By Lee Trager
Install linux-firmware package on CentOS 7
Upstream doesn't include linux-firmware on CentOS 7 which is required for
certain hardware. Extra CentOS packages are now defined in the yaml file
instead of being hard coded in the source. - 353. By Lee Trager
Remove hwe-16.10.
hwe-16.10 was added as a place holder however only LTS releases will receive hwe kernels.
- 352. By Lee Trager
Add hwe-16.04-edge and hwe-16.
04-lowlatency- edge kernels to the V3 stream. This adds the hwe-16.04-edge and hwe-16.
04-lowlatency- edge kernels to the V3
stream. As the new names caused the yaml columns to be unaligned this adds extra
spaces to align all columns making the meph-v3.yaml file easier to read and
edit. While testing I discovered a small bug where edge was being added before
the kflavor in the product name as well as a lint error.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/maas-images