
Created by Nick and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/lilregdefrag
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Branch information

Little Registry Cleaner
Little Registry Optimizer

Recent revisions

8. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

final build (1.0)

7. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

resets registry hives info when compact is cancelled, instead of removing hives completely

6. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

changed icon

5. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

help menu is displayed when left clicked in XP

4. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

added more checks and fixed a couple things

3. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

added GPL headers and auto update check

2. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

added registry info & added stats

1. By ub3rst4r <email address hidden>

first commit

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack6RichRoot (bzr 1.9)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.