
Created by SiraNokyoongtong and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~lp-l10n-th/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-docs-l10n-th
Members of Ubuntu Thai Translators can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Ubuntu Thai Translators
Ubuntu Documentation

Recent revisions

441. By ศิระ นกยูงทอง <gumara@gumara-desktop>

Merge from trunk

440. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Thai translation and review.

439. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Almost complete Thai translation in section basic command.

438. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Review translation in section basic command into thai language.

437. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Review administrative section in thai language.

436. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Thai translation in section add-application.

435. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Thai translation and review in section about-ubuntu. And a little bit in add-application.

434. By Sira Nokyoongtong <email address hidden>

Creating new branch for translation.

433. By Connor Imes

Configuration change for OpenLDAP in serverguide. LP: #511090

432. By Matthew East

newtoubuntu: add section for updates, delete old commented section in keeping-safe

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
