Merge lp://staging/~logan/ubuntu/raring/desktop-base/debian-merge into lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/desktop-base

Proposed by Logan Rosen
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~logan/ubuntu/raring/desktop-base/debian-merge
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/desktop-base
Diff against target: 1552 lines (+1143/-83)
12 files modified
debian/changelog (+59/-0)
debian/maintscript (+0/-1)
debian/postrm (+4/-0)
debian/preinst (+3/-0)
debian/rules (+2/-0)
gdm3/background.svg (+525/-21)
grub/ (+2/-2)
kdm-theme/joy/background.svg (+521/-29)
kdm-theme/joy/joy.xml (+10/-15)
ksplash-theme/joy/1600x1200/description.txt (+8/-8)
plymouth/joy/joy.plymouth (+1/-1)
plymouth/joy/joy.script (+8/-6)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~logan/ubuntu/raring/desktop-base/debian-merge
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Martin Pitt Needs Fixing
Review via email:

This proposal has been superseded by a proposal from 2012-11-12.

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Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

The remaining debdiff can be simplified now: the conffile handling can be dropped entirely rather than using debian/maintscript, as version 6.0.1 was way before the last LTS. For simplicity, I'd advise to drop that delta entirely, keeping only the one in Makefile.


review: Needs Fixing
26. By Logan Rosen

Drop conffile handling delta per Martin Pitt.

Unmerged revisions

26. By Logan Rosen

Drop conffile handling delta per Martin Pitt.

25. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Use maintscript support in dh_installdeb rather than writing out
    dpkg-maintscript-helper commands by hand, leading to more predictable
    behavior on upgrades.
  - Stop installing /usr/share/desktop-base/ for now. We
    should ultimately have some Ubuntu branding here, but at the moment it
    just confuses people who accidentally install desktop-base. The
    /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png alternative is too
    cumbersome to remove cleanly, so I've left it in place and arranged for
    /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme to stop using it instead.
* Fixed various glitches in the KDM Theme:
  - Make pam error messages actually visible.
  - Don't cut off the last hostname letter.
  - Adjust font sizes and colors.
* Ksplash: don't cut off blurred icons.
* Reduce opacity of debian swirl in gdm/kdm background to be
  less distracting.
* debian/rules: Use xz compression for binary packages. (Closes: #683903)
  - Thanks to Ansgar Burchardt <email address hidden> for the patch & bug.
* Update joy theme to feature a themed password prompt.
* Droped the ${misc:Depends}, as Yves-Alexis pointed out, it drags in dconf
  without a reason.
* Make 1366x768 ksplash background really that resolution. (Closes: #679306)
* Fix typo in plymouth theme. (Closes: #679357)
* Updated ink-splated kde wallpaper, to fix alignment issues.
* Add ${misc:Depends} to the Depends for the binary package. We're using
  debhelper, so we should behave nicely.
* Updated GDM & KDM's login background to have branding in the lower-right.
* Inverting the GRUB highlight colors. This helps those who might be hard
  of sight, or think it's generally hard to see. (Closes: #680505)

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