Xenial external ppa

PPA description

Repository with packages from others ppa's

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:llxdev/xenial-external-ppa to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:llxdev/xenial-external-ppa
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/llxdev/xenial-external-ppa/ubuntu xenial main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/llxdev/xenial-external-ppa/ubuntu xenial main 
Signing key:
1024R/19966B196723CE3CF90E0F34476079AF7B19579E (What is this?)


For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact llxdev.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

128 of 28 results
Package Version Uploaded by
boot-repair 4ppa40 YannUbuntu ()
dvdstyler 3.0-1~ubuntu16.04 Panda Jim ()
festvox-ca-bet-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-eli-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-eva-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-jan-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-ona-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-pau-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-pep-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-pol-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-teo-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
festvox-ca-uri-hts 1.3-1 Sergio Oller ()
fusioninstall 1.9~llx16 Gpt Tools ()
glade2script 3.2.3~ppa1 YannUbuntu ()
google-drive-ocamlfuse 0.6.24-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1 Alessandro Strada ()
inkscape 0.92.3+68~ubuntu16.04.1 Alex Valavanis ()
intef-exe 3:2.3.1ppa1 Sdweb - Digital Solutions ()
libopenshot 0.2.2+dfsg2+695+201809232021+daily~ubuntu16.04.1 OpenShot Code ()
libopenshot-audio 0.1.7+dfsg2+65+201809232015~ubuntu16.04.1 OpenShot Code ()
mixxx 2.1.0-0ubuntu1~2.1~git6681~xenial RJ Skerry-Ryan ()
obs-studio 21.1.0-0obsproject1~xenial Gol D. Ace ()
openshot-qt 2.4.3+dfsg2+980+201809232252~ubuntu16.04.1 OpenShot Code ()
repoinstall 1.2~llx16 Gpt Tools ()
taglib 1.10-0ubuntu1~xenial0 RJ Skerry-Ryan ()
tuxboot 0.8ppa2~xenial Thomas Tsai ()
update-java 0.5.2-2~webupd8 Alin Andrei ()
wxsvg 2:1.5.8~dfsg-0ubuntu1 Panda Jim ()
yad 0.39.0-1~webupd8~xenial0 Alin Andrei ()
128 of 28 results

Latest updates

  • intef-exe 294 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • fusioninstall 301 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • repoinstall 301 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libopenshot-audio 303 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libopenshot 303 weeks ago
    Successfully built