
Created by Alexandros Frantzis and last modified
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Linaro Maintainers

Recent revisions

28. By Alexandros Frantzis

Build with OpenGL on all platforms.

27. By Alexandros Frantzis

* New upstream release 5.10.0.
* debian/*:
  - Sync files with 5.10.0-0ubuntu6.

26. By Alexandros Frantzis

* New upstream release.
* debian/*:
  - Sync files with 5.8.0-0ubuntu2.

25. By Ricardo Salveti

Removing 01_hardcode_new_default_in_hardcoded_values.patch, doesn't apply anymore

24. By Ricardo Salveti

Adding back debian/patches/disable_standalone-clients.patch

23. By Ricardo Salveti

New upstream release.

22. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing version 5.4.0+bzr20120224-0linaro1

21. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing version 5.2.0+bzr20120123-0linaro1

20. By Ricardo Salveti

* debian/patches/disable_standalone-clients.patch:
  - Disable standalone-clients as it forces opengl (testing related)

19. By Ricardo Salveti

Removing not needed CMakeLists.txt diff blocks from debian/patches/build_with_no_error_deprecated_declarations.patch

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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