
Created by Ricardo Salveti and last modified
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Linaro Maintainers

Recent revisions

16. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing version 1.2~rc1+git20090708+a6d05eb-1linaro1

15. By Ricardo Salveti

* debian/rules: calling autogen.sh and enabling neon
* debian/patches/enable-neon.patch: enable neon support

14. By Ricardo Salveti

* debian/rules: calling autogen.sh
* debian/control: setting up the new build-depends

13. By Ricardo Salveti

New upstream snapshot

12. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 1.2~rc1-1ubuntu2

11. By Steve Langasek

Build for multiarch. LP: #825342.

10. By Michael Casadevall

Drop ARMv4 configuration flags so ARM builds use floating point instead of
doing integer math since all SoCs supported by Ubuntu support VFP. Thanks
to Li Li for the fix. (LP: #528524)

9. By Alexander Sack

rebuild rest of main for armel armv7/thumb2 optimization;

8. By Ron Lee <email address hidden>

* This one should be our release candidate for Lenny.
* Fixes a memory leak in the echo canceller.
* Less aggressive noise adaptation.
* Adds the channel decorrelation interface, which completes the planned
  changes prior to freezing the 1.2 API. This doesn't affect any existing
  code, so the possibilities for regression are slim.

7. By Ron Lee <email address hidden>

Move the extra sse libs to /usr/lib/sse2. That is a bit more elitist than
we need to be, but the linker already looks there without adding yet another
path permutation, and in practice most people who really care about how long
this is going to take won't find that sets the bar too high for them at all.

Actually, it's apparently ldconfig rather than the linker that is missing
this path, but this will still do for now while people figure out if or when
that should be fixed too.

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