
Created by Steve Langasek and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~linaro-maintainers/ubuntu/natty/bluez/overlay
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Linaro Maintainers

Recent revisions

63. By Steve Langasek

refresh patch to make dpkg-source happy

62. By Steve Langasek

document the bzr branch

61. By Steve Langasek

upload to ppa

60. By Steve Langasek

debian/patches/snowball.patch: Add support for ST-Ericsson CG2900
chip. Thanks to Mario Boikov <email address hidden>. Closes
LP: #758804.

59. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream release
* debian/libbluetooth3.symbols:
  - Updated

58. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

57. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

56. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

55. By Artur Rona

* Merge from debian experimental. Remaining changes: (LP: #708770)
  - debian/bluetooth-dbus.conf:
    + Allow access to the D-Bus resource "org.bluez" also for the "lp"
      group so that the "bluetooth" CUPS backend can access when it is
      run by CUPS for discovery of Bluetooth printers.
  - debian/bluez.bluetooth.default:
    + Drop. Doesn't do anything now.
  - debian/bluez.preinst:
    + Cleanup /etc/default/bluetooth as it's not used anymore.
  - debian/control:
    + Add udev to build-depends. Allows pkg-config to query udev data
      directory variable.
  - debian/rules:
    + Don't build hid2hci anymore. It's part of udev now.
    + Don't install bluez_agent.udev, doesn't work in Ubuntu.
    + Drop simple-patchsys.mk
  - debian/source/format: Use source format 3.0.
  - debian/source_bluez.py, debian/bluez.install:
    + Apport hook made by Baptiste Mille-Mathias.
  - debian/bluez.bluetooth.init:
    + Drop most calls in this script as now all it serves as
      is to workaround a problem with dbus not being ready early
      enough. Once dbus is started by an upstart service, this
      should be able to be converted to an upstart service too.

54. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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