

Created by Alexandros Frantzis and last modified
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Branch information

Linaro Maintainers

Recent revisions

18. By Alexandros Frantzis

Build with OpenGL on all platforms.

17. By Alexandros Frantzis

Add forgotten debian patches from latest nux package.

16. By Alexandros Frantzis

Add back gnome-common build dependency needed for running

15. By Alexandros Frantzis

* New upstream release 2.10.0.
* debian/*:
  - Sync with 2.10.0-0ubuntu1 package.

14. By Ricardo Salveti

New upstream release 2.8.0.

13. By Ricardo Salveti

New upstream release 2.6.0.

12. By Alexandros Frantzis

* New upstream release 2.4.0.
* debian/control:
  - Add libibus-1.0-dev build dependency.
  - Add libibus-1.0-dev dependency to libnux-2.0-dev.

11. By Ricardo Salveti

debian/control: adding libx11-xcb-dev and libxcb-glx0-dev to build
deps for precise

10. By Ricardo Salveti

* New upstream release.
  - Dash - Behaviour of the 'All' button in the Dash filters broken in
    several ways (LP: #841864)
  - Launcher, Spread - Clicking on a Launcher app icon a second time to
    close a spread is broken (LP: #893670)
  - launcher not hiding in one design-specified case (LP: #919162)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
    nux::GridHLayout::KeyNavIterationRowOrder() (LP: #916088)

9. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing version 2.0.0+bzr20120120-0linaro2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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