
Created by Michael Hudson-Doyle and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/linaro-android-mirror
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Branch information

Linaro Automation & Validation
Linaro Android Mirror

Recent revisions

51. By Paul Sokolovsky

Add android.git.linaro.org with low stale threshold.

50. By Paul Sokolovsky

Mention linaro-android-mirror init script.

49. By Paul Sokolovsky

Add missing space and de-bashization.

48. By Paul Sokolovsky

Add init.d script.

47. By Paul Sokolovsky

Gradual increase of stale timeouts to be on order of few hours.

45. By Paul Sokolovsky

Log per-host mirroring finish events.

44. By Paul Sokolovsky

Timestamp mirror repos which were successfuly synced.

43. By Paul Sokolovsky

Subclass twisted's XMLRPC to pass exception message to client.

Add ingrational test to check for error reporting to client.

42. By Paul Sokolovsky

Propogate repo errors back to client.

This will fix weird issues we had where repo sync failed for some reason,
so some stale mirrors were used for build, leading to confusing build
errors and error messages.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.