
Created by Leonard Richardson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~leonardr/lazr.restful/use-bleedthrough
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Branch information

Leonard Richardson

Recent revisions

98. By Leonard Richardson

Added explanatory comment.

97. By Leonard Richardson

Initial implementation.

96. By Leonard Richardson

[r=jml] Added the BleedThroughDict class for tracking multiple versions' configuration.

95. By Leonard Richardson

[r=flacoste] It's now possible to define two distinct web services based on the same data model.

94. By Leonard Richardson

[r=intellectronica] Make it possible to register different objects as the IServiceRootResource implementation for different versions.

93. By Leonard Richardson

[r=Edwin] Modernize webservice.txt, and begin work on a multi-versioned web service doctest.

92. By Leonard Richardson

[r=abentley] Made it possible to publish multiple non-development versions of a service.

91. By Leonard Richardson

[r=bac] Introduce the 'devel' web service version, which is currently exactly the same as the normal version (except for the URIs served), but which will eventually be much different.

90. By Leonard Richardson

[r=bac] Fixed a bug that raised an unhandled exception when a client tried to set a URL field to a non-string value.

89. By Eleanor Berger

update NEWS for the previous revision

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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