
Created by Leonard Richardson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~leonardr/launchpadlib/edge-replacement-for-maverick
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Leonard Richardson

Recent revisions

90. By Leonard Richardson

Backported the deprecation of edge and the creation of qastaging. Also fixed a random failing test.

89. By Leonard Richardson

[r=henninge] Take advantage of an optimization that allows a script to avoid making an HTTP request in some situations.

88. By Leonard Richardson

[r=abentley] Fixed a test to work with the latest version of Launchpad.

87. By Leonard Richardson

[r=Edwin] Use version 1.0 of the web service by default.

86. By Leonard Richardson

[r=gary] When communicating with the Launchpad website (as opposed to the web service), always set the Referer header.

85. By Leonard Richardson

[r=rockstar] Complain, rather than go ahead disastrously, when old code with hard-coded service roots is run against modern version-aware versions of launchpadlib.

84. By Leonard Richardson

[r=al-maisan] Fix a minor bug that caused launchpadlib to access the wrong version of a web service in some circumstances.

83. By Leonard Richardson

[r=mwhudson] Changed the default web service from 'devel' to 'beta'.

82. By Leonard Richardson

[r=intellectronica] Add support for using different published versions of a single web service.

81. By Leonard Richardson

[r=leonardr] Add a missing tilde to a URL template given in the human-readable documentation. Committed on behalf of Marcus Korn.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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