
Created by Kalle Valo and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~kvalo/indicator-application/dont-unfallback-after-timer-expired
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Branch information

Kalle Valo
Application Indicators

Recent revisions

115. By Kalle Valo

fallback_timer_expire() in libappindicator() was calling class->fallback()
if priv->status_icon was set. This doesn't make sense, why do we need to
unfallback() if we noticed that the service is not running? I think it's
better to continue on fallback mode and not change anything.

This fixes bug #529052 where gnome-power-manager icon was going on and off
periodically whenever it called app_indicator_set_menu().

114. By Ted Gould

Merging fix to make it so that python apps can set an icon path.

113. By Ted Gould

Tracking the icon name and included the panel suffix for fallback usage.

112. By Ted Gould


111. By Ted Gould

Fixing tests to use GTK for icon theme fixes.

110. By Ted Gould

Fixing icon changing with fallbacks.

109. By Ted Gould

Update to track toggle changes in actions.

108. By Ted Gould


107. By Ted Gould

Fix nicks on Python bindings.

106. By Ted Gould

Changing from freedesktop to kde as the spec was never approved finally by freedesktop.

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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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