
Created by Timo Jyrinki and last modified
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Kubuntu Packagers

Recent revisions

63. By Timo Jyrinki

releasing package qtdeclarative-opensource-src version 5.0.2-6ubuntu5

62. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/fix_qtbug_32004.patch:
  - Backport fix for QTBUG-32004 which is slated for Qt 5.3 (LP: #1252709)

61. By Timo Jyrinki

Expand the changelog entry on why add the dependency

60. By Timo Jyrinki

Make private headers depend on libqt5v8-5-private-dev

59. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing package qtdeclarative-opensource-src version 5.0.2-6ubuntu4

58. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/fix_1236765.patch:
  - Fix infinite loop QQmlIncubator::forceCompletion (LP: #1236765)

57. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing package qtdeclarative-opensource-src version 5.0.2-6ubuntu3

56. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/qml_type_loading.patch
  - Workaround for (LP: #1233705)

55. By Timo Jyrinki

Sync with 5.0.2-6ubuntu2 uploaded.

* Add qtquick_delegate_creation_range_itemviews.patch to patchset.
  (LP: #1217924)
* Fix https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30246 (LP: #1198830)
  - debian/patches/0b190b7114c816689eeb8478ea5151732bc7a5de_backport.patch
  - debian/patches/81a9dd71b9ce60ab4cae629b67d6f26ebdeb19db_backport.patch

54. By Timo Jyrinki

* Resync with Debian, remaining changes:
  - Keep cherry-picked patches, and symbols
  - Keep debian/patches/rendering_performance_fix_lp1092358.patch
  - Add Vcs-Bzr field
* Merge with Debian 5.0.2-6 to bring in documentation packages.
* Note: architecture restrictions have been dropped from this upload,
  as requested by the Release Team.
* Update symbols files.
* Make every package that ships a binary managed by qtchooser depend on it.
* Build the documentation shipped with this submodule as a build-indep task:
  - Add the necessary indep build dependencies:
    * qttools5-dev-tools to use qhelpgenerator.
    * libqt5sql5-sqlite to generate qch doc.
  - Build and create packages for qch and HTML doc formats.
* Update symbols files.
* Set qtdeclarative5-dbg as M-A same, so it can be coinstalled with other
  archs debugging symbols.
* Depend on libgl1-mesa-dri from the qtquick2 QML plugin
  - Not depending may cause crashes due to lack of VBO support
* debian/control: remove extra ${misc:Pre-Depends} from qmlscene and
* Update symbols files.
* Fix Vcs-* headers.
* Update symbols with amd64 build.
* Update symbols files.
* Update symbols files.
* Fix wrong permissions of examples.
* Update symbols files.
* qtdeclarative5-localstorage-plugin: depend on libqt5sql5-sqlite, as it is
  used directly.
* Remove extra ${shlibs:Depends} from qtdeclarative5-private-dev.
* Bump the libqt5v8-5-private-dev and libqt5xmlpatterns5-private-dev build
  dependencies to 5.0.2~.
* rules: use $(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) everywhere.

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