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- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/banshee-remote-plugin/1.0
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- kristopher_d (community): Approve
Diff: 712 lines (+505/-129)5 files modifiedBanshee.RemoteListener.csproj (+59/-0)
Banshee.RemoteListener/BansheeRemoteListenerService.cs (+265/-0)
BansheeRemoteListener.dll.config (+4/-0)
bansheeserver.py (+173/-129)
bin/Debug/BansheeRemoteListener.dll.config (+4/-0)
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 13. By Kristopher <kristopher@kristopher-desktop>
port number now stored within banshee preferences, obsoleting xml file. The service, however, does not restart when the port number is changed.
- 11. By Kristopher <kristopher@kristopher-desktop>
Somehow I managed to completely miss the source file previously. Here it is.
- 10. By Kristopher <kristopher@kristopher-desktop>
config file simply needs to be in the same directory as the dll and the dll will find it.
- 9. By Kristopher <kristopher@kristopher-desktop>
Listening port settable through new RemoteListener.
config file.
This file needs to be coppied to /usr/lib/banshee- 1/Extensions/ at present.
Remaining steps include creating a config interface that will automatically generate the file and moddifying the library to look for the config file in the directry in which the library is located.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)