
Created by Dustin Kirkland  and last modified
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Dustin Kirkland 

Recent revisions

16. By Dustin Kirkland 

fix channel mapping in ogg; reduce sub/bass volume; re-oggenc

15. By Dustin Kirkland 

fix track labeling in the wav, and update the compressed oggs

14. By Dustin Kirkland 

* card_shuffle-5.1.wav => card_shuffle.wav, card_shuffle.wav =>
  card_shuffle-stereo.wav, desktop-login-5.1.wav => desktop-login.wav,
  desktop-login.wav => desktop-login-stereo.wav, desktop-logout-
  5.1.wav => desktop-logout.wav, desktop-logout.wav => desktop-logout-
  - save a copy of the original stereo files here in the source for easy
  - use the 5.1 channel version of these 3 wavs

13. By Dustin Kirkland 

remixed these stereo tracks to 5.1 channels, LP: #834802

12. By Dustin Kirkland 

* card_shuffle-5.1.wav, desktop-login-5.1.wav, desktop-logout-5.1.wav:
  - remixed these stereo tracks to 5.1 channels
  - card_shuffle-5.1.wav:
    + exaggerated shuffling effect, first and third shuffles are in the
      front L/R channels, middle shuffle moved to the rear SL/SR channels
  - desktop-login-5.1.wav:
    + L/R channels: fade in after the initial snaps, and out right at the
      crescendo; bass frequencies filtered out
    + C channel: mono mix of the original stereo track; handles the initial
      snaps, and yields to the L/R for the body
    + Sub channel: mono mix of the original stereo track; filter to a pure
      bass track, with just the lowest frequencies (bongo drum)
    + SL/SR channels: fade into the cresendo and exclusively handle the
      outro whoosh (wind) and the crickets
  - desktop-logout-5.1.wav:
    + pan from the front L/R to the rear SL/SR
    + center channel is silenced, sub is subtle but present

11. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 0.13

10. By Luke Yelavich

* Drop card_shuffle.wav as its not used by anything any more.
* debian/control: Remove conflict against gnome-audio as ubuntu-sounds no
  longer has any of the same files. (LP: #343288)
* Import some sounds from the freedesktop sound theme needed for empathy
  notifications. (LP: #400485)
* debian/copyright: Updated to cover newly added sounds.

9. By Luke Yelavich

* Encode dialog-ready into ogg, now that gdm uses libcanberra for the login
* debian/links: Symbolically link dialog-question to system-ready, for gdm
  login use
* Remove silence at the beginning and end of the bell sound (LP: #430203)

8. By Luke Yelavich

* Remove freedesktop theme. This should be in a stand-alone apckage.
* Remove gconf default setting for the sound theme, it is now done in

7. By Luke Yelavich

Set the sound theme name to ubuntu by default.

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