
Created by Kenneth Venken and last modified

My master thesis about Realtime Raytracing. More specific the MLRTA algorithm. Currently the code isn't really clean, but i'll try to improve it in the next couple of weeks.

The goal for version 1.0 is to have a robust and fast raytracer which can be used to raytrace static scenes with direct illumination only. Using the MLRTA algorithm. Supported primitives will be Triangles, Spheres, Cones and Cylinders.
The MGF and BART format will be the only once that will be supported.

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Branch information

Kenneth Venken

Recent revisions

170. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

driehoek culling geimplementeerd voor mlrta, resultaten veel beter

169. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

standaard settings veranderd naar meer nuttige voor testing purposes

168. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

integrated ep search with all possible xp searches

167. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

added support for triangle plane culling (for use by frustum)

166. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

basis van intervaltracing geimplementeerd

165. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

Packettracing implemented for kd-tree and triangleCO

164. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

extra test in intersectionpacket

163. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

klein foutje uit packettrace gehaald (4de pixel had verkeerde richting)

162. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

packet traversal possible for simplescene

161. By Kenneth Venken <kenneth@kenneth-laptop>

code in place to select traversalmode (packet, ray, interval)

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Branch format 6
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Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
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