- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~kelemeng/colord/bug855144
Branch merges
- Gabor Kelemen (community): Needs Resubmitting
- Marc Deslauriers: Needs Information
- Ubuntu branches: Pending requested
Diff: 21 lines (+2/-1)2 files modifieddebian/control (+1/-0)
debian/rules (+1/-1)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 14. By Chris Halse Rogers
* debian/
patches/ one_shot_ colord- sane.patch:
- Rework colord-sane to be spawned each time a sane scan is required.
Works around fd leaks in libsane and its plugins, resulting in many, many
crashes in colord-sane. (LP: #1024081, LP: #1056933, LP: #1056933,
LP: #1026520)
* debian/patches/ initialise_ gdbus_connectio n_sooner. patch:
- Initialise gdbus connection in the bus_acquired callback rather than the
name_acquired callback. The name_acquired callback is fired an
indeterminate time *after* the name appears on the bus, so requests can
come in before its called. If this happened, colord would crash with an
assert(). (LP: #849472, LP: #1064352, LP: #827934) - 13. By Chris Halse Rogers
* Parallel upload of 0.1.21-2 to quantal
* debian/patches/ also_sanitise_ username_ for_dbus. patch:
- Sanitise username when used as a component of a DBus object path.
Fixes crash in cd_device_register_ object (Closes: 675852) (LP: #1021374)
* debian/patches/ fix_colord- sane_dbus_ threading. patch:
- Initialise libdbus threadsafety in colord-sane. (Probably) fixes multiple
crashes from colord-sane in libdbus (LP: #844286). Plausibly fixes other
bad colord-sane behaviour, such as 100% CPU usage (Closes: 668325)
* debian/rules:
* debian/control:
- Add dh_autoreconf to pick up the build system changes from
fix_colord- sane_dbus_ threading. patch and add all the various
build-depends required. - 12. By Chris Halse Rogers
* New upstream version
* debian/patches/ 01_fix_ colord_ sane.diff:
- Drop; included in new upstream version
* debian/rules:
* debian/control:
* debian/libcolord- dev.install:
* debian/libcolord- gtk1.install:
* debian/libcolord- gtk1.symbols:
* debian/libcolord- gtk-dev. install
- Add libcolord-gtk1 library
* debian/libcolord1. symbols:
- Update for new upstream
* debian/rules:
- Enable hardning flags
* debian/rules:
- Enable parallel builds
* debian/cd-fix- profile. 1:
* debian/colord. manpages:
- Drop local manpage; now shipped upstream - 11. By Chris Halse Rogers
* New upstream version
* debian/colord. postrm:
- Fix purge action when colord failed to install correctly. (Closes: 660666)
* debian/control:
- Drop unnecessary build-depends libusb2-dev [kfreebsd]. Thanks,
Robert Millan! (Closes: 659624)
- Add B-D on libgusb-dev [linux-any] to build colorhug support.
(Closes: 661631)
* debian/libcolord1. symbols:
- Add symbols new in this version
* debian/source/ local-options:
* debian/patches/ series:
* .gitignore:
- Set single-debian- patch, and ignore it in git. This makes cherry-picking
from upstream cleaner: the patch lands in debian-patches, and disappears
when we grab the upstream version containing the cherry-pick.
* debian/patches/ 01_fix_ colord_ sane.diff, pre-cherry-picked from upstream.
- Fixes issues with DBus spawning colord-sane, and with colord-sane
communicating with colord when run as the colord user - 10. By Chris Halse Rogers
* debian/
colord. postinst:
- Only try to change ownership of /var/lib/colord after we've made sure the
colord user actually exists. (Closes: 658353)
* debian/colord. install:
* debian/rules:
- Install systemd unit file. Thanks, Rodolphe Pelloux-Prayer!
(Closes: 658382) - 9. By Chris Halse Rogers
* debian/rules:
+ Pass --disable-examples to configure; we don't ship them, and they add
an unnecessary Build-Dependancy on libdbus-1-dev. Really fixes the
kFreeBSD build. (Closes: 652427) - 8. By Chris Halse Rogers
* New upstream release.
+ Fixes sqlite injection vulnerability, preventing malicious applications
from corrupting colord's database (Closes: #650021).
* debian/patches/ 01_use_ polkit_ owner_annotatio n.patch:
+ Cherry-pick from upstream, enabling use of the PolicyKit "owner"
* debian/control:
+ Add versioned Build-Depends on libpolkit-gobject- 1-dev to ensure
configure detects a new enough PolicyKit to enable the "owner"
+ Add versioned Depends on policykit-1 to colord to ensure a new enough
PolicyKit to understand the "owner" annotation at runtime.
* debian/rules:
+ Re-enable PolicyKit support now that the "owner" annotation is supported.
* debian/patches/ 06_use_ dbus_security_ for_permissions .diff:
+ Drop; PolicyKit has been fixed.
* debian/libcolord1. symbols: Add new symbols in 0.1.14 and 0.1.15 - 7. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary database modification via SQL injection
- debian/patches/ CVE-2011- 4349.diff: Use sqlite3_mprintf in
src/cd-device- db.c, src/cd- mapping- db.c.
- CVE-2011-4349
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/colord