Merge lp://staging/~karni/ubuntuone-android-music/better-swipe into lp://staging/ubuntuone-android-music

Proposed by Michał Karnicki
Status: Merged
Approved by: Chad Miller
Approved revision: 543
Merged at revision: 547
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~karni/ubuntuone-android-music/better-swipe
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntuone-android-music
Diff against target: 803 lines (+291/-307)
12 files modified (+1/-1)
res/layout-land/download.xml (+75/-78)
res/layout-port/download.xml (+71/-74)
res/layout/download_content.xml (+68/-0)
res/layout/download_viewflipper.xml (+0/-60)
res/layout/drawer.xml (+18/-0)
res/layout/toast_layout.xml (+0/-25)
res/values/colors.xml (+2/-0)
res/values/dimensions.xml (+2/-0)
res/values/strings.xml (+2/-4)
src/net/sourceforge/subsonic/androidapp/activity/ (+42/-45)
src/net/sourceforge/subsonic/androidapp/util/ (+10/-20)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~karni/ubuntuone-android-music/better-swipe
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Chad Miller (community) Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

This changes two parts:

* Replaces ViewFlipper with better discoverable and more intuitive SlidingDrawer.
  I've left the toggle button for now, not sure if we need it anymore.

* Simplifies gesture notification toasts to images only. Now with transparent background.

On a side note - using spaces to indent Java/XML code is a nightmare. Cut my pay, but I can't put up with waste of my time. So I tried to be at least consistent, and whenever I used tabulation in an XML file, I fixed the formatting. Whenever I added only few lines of Java code, I replaced my tabs with 4 spaces.

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Revision history for this message
Chad Miller (cmiller) wrote :

Looks good. I say to kill the toggle button.

review: Approve
544. By Michał Karnicki

Merge trunk.

545. By Michał Karnicki

Merge trunk.

546. By Michał Karnicki

Nuke the play queue toggle button.

547. By Michał Karnicki

Fix portrait player layout to exclude controls area from generating gesture events.

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