
Created by Jerry Seutter and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jseutter/charms/precise/postgresql/delegate-blockstorage-to-storage-subordinate-patched
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Branch information

Jerry Seutter

Recent revisions

83. By Jerry Seutter

Fixed detection of when the mountpoint is ready.

82. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- forgot to push data-relation-departed link

81. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- stop postgresql on data-relation-departed

80. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- add a storage_mount_point option in the config
- change the data-relation-changed and data-relation-joined hooks to handle mount point in the relation

79. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- don't use the volid as we don't need that logic anymore
- use the volume that was acquired through the relation with the subordinate storage charm

78. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- merge upstream

77. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- add data-relation-changed and data-relation-joined hooks

76. By Fernando Correa Neto <email address hidden>

- make the charm provide the block-storage interface
- add some test info in the hooks for testing purposes
- link the data-relation-joined and data-relation-changed to the hooks

74. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] filter_installed_packages was not filtering metapackages, so charm was failing if the postgresql package was already installed. Fix this by using the explicit PostgreSQL version, which will also be needed to reenable multiple PG version support.
[stub] Typo in the config.yaml, and improved the description.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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