Merge lp://staging/~jr/ubuntu-packaging-guide/02-udd-introduction into lp://staging/ubuntu-packaging-guide

Proposed by Jonathan Riddell
Status: Merged
Approved by: Barry Warsaw
Approved revision: 67
Merged at revision: 48
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~jr/ubuntu-packaging-guide/02-udd-introduction
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu-packaging-guide
Diff against target: 530 lines (+275/-192)
4 files modified
index.rst (+11/-3)
traditional-packaging.rst (+5/-0)
udd-getting-the-source.rst (+142/-0)
udd-intro.rst (+117/-189)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~jr/ubuntu-packaging-guide/02-udd-introduction
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Barry Warsaw (community) Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

split out udd-intro into a real introduction to UDD and a separate page for getting the source, also add some honesty about UDD on the front page and stub article for traditional packaging

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Revision history for this message
Jonathan Riddell (jr) wrote :
64. By Jonathan Riddell

add images

Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote :

I guess there's some overlap with your other merge proposal. I can't review the whole thing again. Any chance you can make this branch depend on your other branch so that only the diffs in this branch are visible?

65. By Jonathan Riddell

merge in trunk

66. By Jonathan Riddell

no change commit to refresh merge proposal

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Riddell (jr) wrote :


67. By Jonathan Riddell

merge in trunk

Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote :

Couple of notes:

* There's some very cool stuff in the dev branch of bzr that will make the rmadison checks go away. I've been trying them out and they're fantastic.

* Often, when a package is out of date, instead of using apt-get source, i'll use `bzr import-dsc <url>` where the url is the remote url to the .dsc file. I usually grab those from I like this a bit better because, while you cannot merge these import-dsc branches with the udd branch, you still get all the other benefits of version control.

review: Approve
68. By Jonathan Riddell

simplify ensuring the version is up to date for new warnings built into bzr

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