
Created by Joe Talbott and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~joetalbott/qa-dashboard/utah_parser
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Branch information

Joe Talbott
Ubuntu CI Dashboard

Recent revisions

147. By Joe Talbott

utah_utils - Build up jenkins path for artifacts if available.

146. By Joe Talbott

Remove local file path.

145. By Joe Talbott

utah_utils - Minor fixes.

* Don't limit builds by ran_at date.
* Use a more friendly default for non-jenkins based builds.

144. By Joe Talbott

smoke - Add UTAH result log parser.

This adds a module dashboard/utah_utils.py that imports UTAHParser
and uses it to parse UTAH logs and adds (if not already existent)
a Run, Build, and Result object.

I'm also adding a script that I used for testing and can be tweaked
for manual log parsing if/when it's needed.

143. By Chris Johnston

Moves bootspeed out of the dashboard app and into it's own app.

142. By Chris Johnston

Moves common items to a new common app

141. By Joe Talbott

Merge commit.

140. By Joe Talbott

Add back Alias lines needed for staging deployment.

139. By Joe Talbott

Update documentation for new project location.

138. By Joe Talbott

Merge query optimizations from Chris Johnston.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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