Merge lp://staging/~joerlend.schinstad-deactivatedaccount/quidgets/main into lp://staging/quidgets

Proposed by Jo-Erlend Schinstad
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~joerlend.schinstad-deactivatedaccount/quidgets/main
Merge into: lp://staging/quidgets
Diff against target: 7493 lines (+7316/-0) (has conflicts)
31 files modified
.bzr-builddeb/default.conf (+2/-0)
.quickly (+3/-0)
Copyright (+14/-0)
LICENSE (+676/-0)
debian/changelog (+65/-0)
debian/compat (+1/-0)
debian/control (+36/-0)
debian/copyright (+22/-0)
debian/python-quickly.widgets.install (+1/-0)
debian/rules (+7/-0)
debian/source/format (+1/-0)
po/quickly-widgets.pot (+182/-0)
quickly/prompts/ (+1024/-0)
quickly/tests/ (+37/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+310/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+40/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+444/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+525/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+881/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+845/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+510/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+76/-0)
quickly/widgets/tests/_trial_temp/test.log (+1/-0)
quickly/widgets/tests/ (+51/-0)
quickly/widgets/tests/ (+284/-0)
quickly/widgets/tests/ (+276/-0)
quickly/widgets/tests/ (+138/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+398/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+125/-0)
quickly/widgets/ (+297/-0) (+44/-0)
Conflict adding file .quickly.  Moved existing file to .quickly.moved.
Conflict adding file Copyright.  Moved existing file to Copyright.moved.
Conflict adding file LICENSE.  Moved existing file to LICENSE.moved.
Conflict adding file  Moved existing file to
Conflict adding file debian.  Moved existing file to debian.moved.
Conflict adding file po.  Moved existing file to po.moved.
Conflict adding file quickly.  Moved existing file to quickly.moved.
Conflict adding file  Moved existing file to
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~joerlend.schinstad-deactivatedaccount/quidgets/main
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Quickly Developers Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Fixed a _very_ tiny and insignificant bug. The main purpose is to learn how these stuff works so I don't make any mistakes when I make some real changes.

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161. By Michael Terry

* debian/control, debian/compat, debian/rules:
  - Convert to dh 8
  - Convert to dh_python2
  - Remove obsolete langpack.make include, causing FTBFS (LP: #835770)
  - Remove, it was getting installed to an inappropriately global
    location (LP: #826062)

162. By Rick Spencer

merge in bug fixes from jo-erlend bug #812266, bug #812281, and bug #812038

163. By Jo-Erlend Schinstad

Fixes bug

Unmerged revisions

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