
Created by JuanJo Ciarlante and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jjo/charms/precise/postgresql/postgresql-fix-postgresql-stop-logic_and_multi-version
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JuanJo Ciarlante

Recent revisions

72. By JuanJo Ciarlante

[jjo, r=] assorted fixes:
- postgresql_stop(): fix boolean return logic
- perm storage: stop PG before disabling autostart, as init scripts
  will *ignore* further stops from postgresql.conf 'manual' mode
- pkg install: force pg_version on every version-able pkg, else
  install will fail in the presence of several candidate versions

71. By Tom Haddon

[liam,r=mthaddon] Add nagios user and pgpass file in nrpe-external-master relation to allow nagios pg check to run

67. By Tom Haddon

[thedac,r=mthaddon] Re-enable nrpe-external-master hook

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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