
Created by Jean-Baptiste Lallement and last modified
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Branch information

Jean-Baptiste Lallement

Recent revisions

2584. By Jean-Baptiste Lallement

data/package-hooks/source_ubiquity.py: Convert syslog content from bytes to string (LP: #1582950)

2583. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.7-0ubuntu1

2582. By Brian Murray

* New upstream release:
  - backends/packaging-apt-dpkg.py: Don't install the version mentioned in a
    versioned dep, rather install the latest version of that dep.
  - backends/packaging-apt-dpkg.py: search -proposed last so we prefer
    packages from other pockets.

2581. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.6-0ubuntu7

2580. By Brian Murray

data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py: When gathering python version information
also try to determine package and version of the binary.

2579. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.6-0ubuntu6

2578. By Brian Murray

data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py: Gather information about the python versions
installed on the system as versions not from the Ubuntu archive can cause
issues. (LP: #1681528)

2577. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Remove upstart system job.

2576. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.6-0ubuntu4

2575. By Brian Murray

* apport/REThread.py: A bare except needs to be used so that we can catch
  the dialog being closed.
* test/test_report.py: Be a little patient and give some time for the core
  file to show up.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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